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The global alternatives managers has invested $1.7bn over the past 18 months, half of which is in Europe.
A warning by Aberdeen Standard Investment’s real assets boss Neil Slater was among the headline statements made by private real estate executives on a commercial real estate panel at the two-week climate change conference in Glasgow.
The M&G-backed development lending specialist says it will bring the cost of borrowing for green schemes down as low as 5%.
The joint venture between the Canadian pension plan and the London-based firm will be one of the largest-ever partnerships in the sector in Europe.
Real Estate Capital Europe is calling for submissions for this year’s awards. To help us compile our shortlists, we want to hear from you.
Private real estate investors can expect the Chinese developer to offload some of its better-quality assets but should not anticipate any major fire sales.
The head of UK property finance at the company, which has lent £240m for new warehouses, says funding construction is a way to earn higher returns in the competitive sector.
The pricing of the US manager’s latest debt facility is tied to performance measures, including its success in making its portfolio company boards more diverse.
Panellists at PERE’s Debt & Financing Forum said linking debt pricing to pre-agreed sustainability targets can encourage borrowers to stick to business plans.
The manager recorded no loan deals at more than 80% leverage in its data sample since 2019, which it said shows lending market caution.