Home Borrowers
The emergent residential sub-sector is high on debt providers’ wish-lists. There are several good reasons why.
Financial intermediaries argue the current crisis has increased the need for their services
Property debt providers want to deploy capital despite the pandemic but this crisis demands heightened scrutiny of potential deals.
Lenders are reassessing their appetite for lending in the current market although pressures and risk parameters differ depending on the type of lender.
Debt providers are spending more time questioning valuations, including assumptions on an asset’s future use.
As debt providers scrutinise their counterparties’ ability to service their debt, some are also adding protective mechanisms to their loan deals.
Shiva Hotels' managing director on financing hospitality during covid-19
A renewed spotlight has been put on the ability of the borrower's tenant to continue paying its rent.
Starting today, REC reveals the five questions lenders should ask to ensure robust underwriting during the pandemic.
As Europe’s real estate markets gradually reopen following lockdowns, debt providers want to get back to work. But an additional layer of scrutiny is needed before they agree to new financing deals.