Home Borrowers
The Madrid-based mid-market lender aims to invest around a third of the vehicle’s capital in real estate credit opportunities.
Large pools of capital have been raised for distressed strategies, but thanks to government support schemes, finding a home for it is proving a challenge.
The significant growth potential of UK retirement living, with demand driven by a rapidly ageing population, is drawing lenders to the sector.
Panellists at CREFC Europe’s conference on offices say lenders are factoring in capex programmes and shorter leases when underwriting properties.
The pandemic reinforced the need for managers to strike closer partnerships with their tenants, according to the firm’s global head of real estate.
During its latest Financing Property presentation, the consultancy said the pandemic is leading sponsors and financiers to increasingly consider social factors when futureproofing assets.
Opportunistic lenders are gearing up to provide debt in distressed situations. But market participants do not expect an abundance of distressed deals during the market's recovery phase.
The £106.2 million loan refinances the ten-floor multi-let office, residential asset in Farringdon, which was built in 1928 as the printing headquarters for the Daily Mirror.
In the first of a three-part deep dive, we find out how lenders view their role in real estate's recovery from the covid crisis.
Retrenchment among the big domestic banks that dominate the French market has created opportunities for debt funds – when sponsors are willing to pay the price.